Monday, February 27, 2012

Snowboarding Vs. Skiing

It's a time old question when it comes to winter sport, which do you prefer: skiing or snowboarding?
But has this topic become more about your age, money, and generation differences then the actual love for the sport?
In this clip from Johnny Tsunami, a popular Disney Channel movie from the late 90's, we see a young athlete boy who wants "to get back on a board," after recently moved from Hawaii to Vermont, and is suffering from not being able to surf anymore. 

During the last minute and half of this clip we can see that there is a wealth issue between the two sports, which before snowboarding became popular in the 80, was a big issue when choosing between the two. After snowboarding became popular, many skiers’ looked down upon snowboarding because they looked at snowboarders with certain stereotypes of young reckless kids who look trashy and vandalizing the ski resorts. With this perception of snowboarder being a younger uncontrollable crowd, skiers slowly fell into the category of being an older crowd, with little tolerance for young snowboarders.

1 comment:

  1. I do remember seeing this movie. I thought snowboarding was cooler than skiing I always felt that the left of right skii might get lost or what have you. But I did notice this stereotype in the movie. Just made me root for the snowboarders even more.
