participating in almost any sport, one stands the chance of getting hurt. So
why do people still do these sports? Is the reward of scoring a goal worth the
chance that you might sprain an ankle in the process? Is the chance that you
might not land the jump when snowboarding still worth trying the jump out? For
me I can easily say yes the reward is worth it, while others may not agree. It’s
up to each specific person.
In this video
posted above it shows numerous snowboarding crashes.
After watching
this video I don't even want to go snowboarding! All the crashes look so
painful I can't even imagine how the rider must feel. So why is it that even
after all these crashes the rider still goes riding? I would/ do feel so discouraged
sometimes after crashing. My body hurts so badly sometimes the next day I can
hardly get out of bed. Most the time however, I am able to shake it off and get
back up and ride, well as long as I didn't crash too hard. It’s hard crashing,
but its part of the sport. It’s that risk factor that engages people, asking
yourself will I land this jump will I crash? who cares I’m still going to try
because the reward of landing a jump often overrides the many times that you
have crashed on that jump. When looking back on my history with snowboarding, I
can clearly remember all the times I have landed a jump or perfected a new
trick, but have a harder time remembering the MANY times I have fallen. This
could possibly be because I have tried to block them out. I have fallen so many
times I couldn't even count them if I wanted to. But I do feel that I remember
landing the tricks more because of that amazing sensation I get when I land it,
I’m pumped up, excited, adrenalin pumping, and stoked of life. It seems silly
but I LOVE IT. It’s that feeling that I get, as I’m sure other riders do also,
that keeps me motivated and willing to try new tricks, jumps, rails, etc. even
when we crash a few times first. We know that the risk that we are taking will
eventually be worth the reward; it just may take a couple of times to get it
I say hell yeah down for the getting injury if I love the game so much. Never stopped me from playing basketball but snowboarding it a different story. But I can see a person with a great life insurance or health insurance doing these kind of tricks.