Monday, March 12, 2012

Essentials for your first time snowboarding!

When heading out on the snow for the first time there are a few things that you need to bring. First wear long socks, this will help keep your snowboard boots, or ski boots from rubbing and helping your boots fit more snug. Second thing would be to wear long underwear or sweats, or something comfortable to wear under your snow pants. This will give you more freedom in your movements and help keep you warm, a long shirt or sweatshirt is usually needed as well but it truly depends on the weather for that specific day. Once you have your layer underneath you can focus on the outer layer. Snow pants and a jacket are need almost every time you go up to snowboard, a good strong outer layer is usually ideal so no matter the weather you can stay warm. Water proof pants are essential especially when snowboarding for your first time, because people tend to fall a lot their first time. A good jacket is also very important; I usually look for jackets with lots of pockets because I tend to bring a lot of stuff with me up on the mountain., such as cell phone, ipod, a snack, and my pass. In addition I look for jackets that are a little longer so if I go riding on a powder day I stand a better chance of keeping the snow from out of my pants if I fall, which happens more with shorter jackets. Most jackets these days have a powder guard on them that helps with this as well. A powder guard it a piece of fabric that is on the inside of the jacket at the bottom that goes around the top of your pants you usually button it up on the days that you feel you will need it to keep the snow out, or just let it hang on the inside of your jacket on the days you don't.
Teaching my friends from sf how to snowboard!

Next comes the gloves, most common types of gloves are regular water proof gloves that separate each finger, however I really like mittens because they keep your fingers together, thus keeping them warmer. Moving up the body we come to the head, two main things would be goggles and a hat or helmet. For other colder days you may need a scarf of a turtle neck to help block the wind if the weather is especially brutal that day. Last but not least comes the snowboarding boots and snowboard. Snowboard boot can be kind of tricky sometimes when finding the right pair, I suggest renting a pair for your first time so the employees at the rental shop can help you pick on the right side and make sure they fit you correctly and don't irritate your ankles and cause too much rubbing. Once you have the boots on its time to go for the snowboard, once again I suggest renting it for your first time so you can get help setting it up to your specific needs. If renting it for your first time, they will help you figure out if you are regular (left foot forward) or goofy (right foot forward).

TIPS: It’s hard going out snowboarding for the first time, I suggest getting a first time beginners lesson, and although they may be a little expensive they are worth every penny. The instructors are great with first timers and help people learn the proper techniques. This is important because proper form in snowboarding is an easy way to avoid getting hurt. Such example of bending your knees, turning while keeping your back straight, little tips like these from the instructors will help develop your skills quicker. Another main idea to keep in mind after your first day of snowboarding is that everyone falls numerous times their first day, I know I did. I even quit snowboarding for awhile because I got so discouraged with falling all the time. After getting past that and working on my balance I have falling in LOVE with this sport and encourage others to take the plunge and go out and ride!


  1. Hi Megan
    Love how you add videos and links to your posts. I'd focus on deepening your responses and reactions - like what's good for you about being active; why is it important to you?

  2. Hey I also enjoyed this post.... I just feel like I was found wanting to hear more about you and your personal experience. I think its important to give your personal input on these posts. ... As I was looking at your other blog posts I think it would be cool if you could maybe do a post about either "your favorite snowboarder" .. maybe feature a new snowboarder every week.... Or maybe talk about some of your favorite ski resorts... talk about the different kinds of competitions .. or maybe the olympics? Different boards... or teach someone how to buy a bored... Im really interested in your blog and I feel like you can do so much more with it than what your doing now. :)

  3. Aweosme article ^-^ never been snowboarding but deifnelty things I should take inconsideration.
