Monday, March 12, 2012

You gotta risk it to get the biscuit!

When talking about profession athletes, it’s like talking about superman. I always tend to look at them as if they are invincible and can do anything. Most the time that is because they are willing to anything, profession athlete break barriers and set the way for others to follow. Without these dare devils most sports would be considered safe; however, that is not the case. People are always pushing themselves to the limits and seeing how far they can take it, going to the extreme. The risk factor involved with extreme skiing and snowboarding is like a drug to most out there, they can’t seem to get enough of it, and once they have concurred one extreme it’s on to the next extreme out there. In this video several people question whether is the sponsors that are pushing these extreme athletes to their limits; however, the wife of Shane McConkey talks about her husband’s experience with extreme skiing and explains otherwise. In the video she elaborates on the dangers of her husband’s career and how they often talked about these risks involved, yet he still dared to continue on with this dangerous lifestyle that in the end took his life. Although people are blaming the sponsors she states that it was often her husband that came up with these dangerous ideas, and his sponsor, Red bull, followed along with it always keeping his safety in mind. 
The question still remains though, are people pushing themselves to these extremes just to get famous, or to get a million view of their YouTube video? Well the answer is probably yes. Although they may still do these extreme sports, the media aspect of it is still a big reason why people are doing such extremes. People are often trying to get more money, by doing these dangerous stunts they believe that they will get paid more, and if they don't do it some other professional skier or snowboarder will. In the world of extreme sports it’s a completion between all the athletes to beat the last guy and doing something more eye popping than anyone else would dare do. 

1 comment:

  1. It would be better if you break this article into separate paragraphs it was hurting my eyes trying to read it. But overall I like the article.
